Plotting curves and surfaces using Matplotlib ============================================== The plot submodule in bertini_real uses matplotlib, and allows you to render the decompositions computed by bertini_real. Matplotlib: Plotting a Curve/Surface ************************************* After decomposing a surface, you can run the following python codes to plot curve/surface in the Python Shell. We are plotting a curve **Alpha Curve** and a surface **"Whitney"** in this example ☂️ . Decomposition is covered in more detail in `Introduction to Bertini_real’s Python Visualization Suite `_ Example: Alpha Curve ********************* :: import bertini_real curve = bertini_real.plot.plot() .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/alphacurve.PNG :width: 40 % .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/alphacurve_vertices.PNG :width: 40 % .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/alphacurve_raw.PNG :width: 40 % .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/alphacurve_smooth.PNG :width: 40 % Example: Whitney ***************** :: import bertini_real surface = bertini_real.plot.plot() .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/whitney.PNG :width: 40 % .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/whitney_vertices.PNG :width: 40 % .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/whitney_raw.PNG :width: 40 % .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/whitney_smooth.PNG :width: 40 % Checking **Smooth STL** or **Raw STL** will export a 3D model to your current folder. **Caution** The plot pop-up must be closed before continuing in the shell. Matplotlib: Plotting Pieces **************************** Plotting pieces is only available for surface. Example: Whitney ***************** :: import bertini_real surface = pieces = surface.separate_into_nonsingular_pieces() bertini_real.surface.plot_pieces(pieces) .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/whitney_pieces.PNG :width: 40 % .. image:: matplotlib_pictures/whitney_piece0.PNG :width: 40 % :Author: Foong Min Wong, Caden Joergens :Version: 1.0 2021-10-08