Snap together pieces 🧩 =========================================================================== Attaching plug and sockets to pieces of nodally singular algebraic surfaces. Exporting complete surfaces ***************************** After decomposing a surface, you can run the following python codes to export and solidify OBJ in the Python Shell. We are using a surface **"octdong"** in this example, so you will be running the code in your octodong directory . :: import bertini_real as br # do this once after decomposing and sampling the surface. surface = pieces = surface.separate_into_nonsingular_pieces() This will only need to be done once per surface For each surface you will also need several scad files. We will take a closer look at each of these files later. for now, copy these files into the current directory by running: :: surface.copy_all_scad_files_here() Next we need to write to those files with the data of each piece of the surface. :: surf.write_piece_data() for p in pieces: p.export_smooth() The surf.write_piece_data function positions and orients the plug and socket and writes that data to an SCAD. This is accomplished by: 1. Finding each singularities that have two connecting pieces 2. for each of the connected pieces found. determine the centroid 3. the centroid and determines a vector to place the plug and socket along 4. write the following data to **br_surf_piece_data.scad** * piece indices * singularities on a piece * direction of the vector * singularity coordinates * and the parity of each piece(whether it gets a plug or socket) Awesome! now we are ready to jump into openSCAD! Viewing in openSCAD ***************************** opening the file **br_surf_complete.scad** in openSCAD will preview the surface! Rendering will return the following .. image:: snap_together_pictures/br_surf_complete_ding_dong.png :width: 300 Now lets take a quick look at the other .scad files * **plugs_and_sockets.scad** Holds the modules for plugs and sockets * **plug_socket_params.scad** controls width, length, connection length for plugs and sockets, this is used for tweaking the model * **br_modules.scad** Imports the smooth pieces to br_surf_complete * **br_surf_piece_data.scad** python automatically writes this file * **br_surf_complete.scad** brings the other 4 files together, this is the file you need to run To do work 🚧 ***************************** 1. Determine center of mass 2. Automatically compute size of plug and sockets 3. Transfer construction from openSCAD to Blender :Author: Caden Joergens :Version: 1.0 2022/05/13