
Python libraries used: Numpy

Code is useful for plotting raw surfaces.

This module is still useful, though we can now also plot surfaces using glumpy.


Unix, Windows


This module contains Plot object.

class plot.ColorMode(value)

An enumeration.

class plot.RenderOptions

A struct-like class for serving options for the Plotter class.

One curious setting is defer_show, which lets you stifle `show`ing results of plots. A use of this is in case you are plotting in a loop.

class plot.VisibilityOptions

A struct-like class for serving options for the Plotter class.

plot.plot(data, options=<plot.Options object>)

Plot any of: * curve * surface * piece * a list of pieces

param data

A Curve, Surface, Piece, or list of things

param options

style and visibility options


a Plotter.